“Your original Self existed before you assumed a mind and body, and will continue to exist when your body and mind are gone. You have a mind, body, and personhood in order to know and be the Truth in the context of human existence. You are here because your Self has chosen to occupy a human mind and body. You are here to be divine and human. This is the only place where this happens. If there was life on Mars, you could be divine and Martian. But you’re not on Mars, you are in the human world.
There is something you must know about your life. It was no accident. It was not the mere happenstance of your mother getting pregnant and giving birth. You chose this. You want to be a human being.
Adam and Eve were the Truth, and they assumed a mind and body so they could pick up the signal of human consciousness and become human. Jesus of Nazareth was the Truth, and he assumed a mind and body so he could pick up the signal of human consciousness and become human. You are the Truth, and you assumed a mind and body so you could pick up the signal of human consciousness and become human.
Why is the sunrise beautiful?
Does it matter? Do you have to know why the sunrise is beautiful in order to experience it as beautiful?
You can take your mind down this path only so far. It’s not so much that the questions can’t be answered, it’s that your Self has no need to answer them.
A running river does not stop to become embroiled in the question of why it is flowing. It just flows.”
– Jim Palmer, Notes from (Over) the Edge