We have to drop the personality cult we often find associated with religion. It’s a level playing field among equals. Each of us must have the confidence to turn toward the life, source and Spirit within us. Jesus himself discouraged people from establishing a personality cult around him, and told people to follow the Spirit within them. Part of the inner anarchy we need involves dismantling the mindset that glamorizes and romanticize spiritual leaders, teachers and authors. I put myself at the top of the list. I do not have any more of that life, source, and Spirit than you do. The only real value of anything I write is whether or not it turns you toward that Spirit inside you. Even my upcoming book Inner Anarchy was a community effort, and happened in conversation and connection with others. I had a reader group to dialogue with who offered input and feedback as the book was being written. The new spiritual vistas ahead of us will not be opened up by the paradigm of a few special gurus with a herd of followers, but each of us operating within the spiritual authority inside each of us, and coming together as equals.