10 things to know about Inner Anarchy on your Saturday morning:
1. To my surprise, the book was suddenly available on Wednesday. It’s now available up on Amazon.
2. The Kindle version was accidentally made available for a couple hours but then it was pulled because of some formatting issues. The Kindle version should be available early next week.
3. The t-shirts shipped and are on their way :)
4. There are many people to thank who contributed to the creation of this book: Darla Winn -> cover photo; Yana Cortlund -> cover and interior page design; Becca Tyndall Cipriani , Diana Blair Revell, Ron Lewis, Heather Palmer -> editing, copyediting, proofing. Thanks to the many folks who were on the reader group who offered feedback on the manuscript, as well as those who helped select the cover concept. I’m also grateful for those who wrote endorsements for the book, and financially supported the effort through the Friends of Jim Palmer GoFundMe page
5. I created an “About Inner Anarchy” page if people want to know more about the book or share it with others
6. Several folks have messaged me and asked how they can help with the book. Here’s how you can help. Inner anarchy! Tear down and kick out those mindsets and ideologies that are ruling you and us from within, and turn toward that dimension that bubbles up through your deep feelings – that source, life and Spirit that is inside you. Start speaking from that place in your own words to others. Lets get on with this and cultivate a real togetherness among us.
7. The book Inner Anarchy is not without controversy. I’m expecting the crap to hit the fan here in a week or so once the book is in wider circulation. All that to say, don’t be surprised if you experience opposition from the religious folks in your life as a result of being associated in anyway with this book. There’s no question that it’s a hard-hitting book, but it is an invitation for all of us to come together, including the religious crowd.
8. A few people have asked me how I’m doing. I’m doing great. Writing books is not an easy thing! I think some people imagine it’s brewing a pot of gourmet coffee and a magical love affair with words. Not for me! It’s more akin to wrestling an alligator… a really big one! Inner Anarchy is my fifth book. In some ways it was the easiest of the five to write because I had a lot of clarity. There was no waffling! On the other hand, I realize this book is going to stir quite a few things up. I didn’t set out to do this intentionally – there was no way to avoid this and be true to what I had to say.
9. Yesterday someone asked me how I thought the book would do… as in, will it be a successful selling book. The outcome I’m interested in with this book is not how many of them are sold. There is only one outcome I desire, which is to see inner anarchy spread like wildfire to every corner of this world. I honestly believe we are teetering on the edge of birthing a new age and world, and I’m hoping that Inner Anarchy will provide that extra needed push.
10. I appreciate each of you, and all the encouragement and support you have offered on this journey. Ultimately this is not about me or this book; this is about us, coming together, and the possibilities that lie ahead of us.