Last night we went to see The Theory of Everything – a film about the life of physicist, Stephen Hawking. It was a great movie. Fascinating. Eddie Redmayne as Hawking and Felicity Jones as Jane were phenomenal.
Steven Hawking once said, “All of my life, I have been fascinated by the big questions that face us.” I am not a physicist but I share this same interest. This is why I wrote Inner Anarchy. There are big questions facing humankind in a time when our world is under great strain. The answers we most desperately need are not going to be found by looking up into the stars, but only by looking inside ourselves. This is what Jesus said 2000 years ago, and it is still true today.
Inner Anarchy is a hard-hitting book and pulls no punches. When you’ve been living in a comfortable dream, the truth can be difficult to swallow. But we have to wake up! We are asleep in a dream that is killing us and every living thing. Though the message in this book is not without controversy, especially for the religious crowd, it is a message that every person can sort out for themselves, whatever your religious or spiritual background may be or no religious belief at all. Please consider reading it and sharing it with your friends.
The book is currently available on Amazon.
Here’s some additional info about the book.
The big questions facing humankind and our world can only be answered by looking inside ourselves, and by lifting up what we find there out of ourselves and into the world. This is going to require a real and authentic togetherness that is growing among us. This is an appeal to speak the truth that is deep inside you – lift it up and speak it to one another in your own words.
This world is not too far gone to be transformed by love. I believe in my heart that we are on the brink of birthing a new age and world. That age and world exists right now in our heart.