We have to move heaven and raise hell. Jesus said the kingdom of heaven is within us. All that’s left to do is to lift it up out of ourselves into our current situation. But we’re gonna have to raise hell too. This world is all bound up in false beliefs, mindsets, narratives, stories and ideologies that divide us from one another, ourselves, and the possibilities of a new world. Look inside yourself. Look outside the window. Most people’s thoughts, views, actions, interactions, and choices are being driven by a load of bullshit that has been programmed into our heads since we were kids, and we have moved right along through adulthood without questioning it. The prevailing religious and worldly mindsets and belief-systems stand in direct opposition to what we know is true and real in our deep feelings. We’re gonna have to raise hell first with these false beliefs, mindsets and narratives within ourselves, and then be willing to step out and follow what our deep feelings tell us regardless of how it calls into question the way things currently are. The biggest bullshit narrative going now is how powerless we all are and how nothing of any great significance is likely to change. People are sitting around on their asses waiting for Jesus to float down from the sky or for the next big scientific discovery to save the day. The power to transform everything is inside you right now. It’s the most natural part of who you are. Wake up! That’s why I wrote Inner Anarchy – to wake people the hell up!
The entire Christian religion system as it currently exists is collapsing and will be obsolete by the end of this century. This is a good thing because the truth that Jesus bore witness to and demonstrated is being unshackled from this monstrosity and lifted up for all the world to see. People will no longer think of Jesus as a religious person or as advocate of any religious belief-system or ideology. Instead, people will grab a hold of his truth, and turn to and lift up the power and authority inside themselves. A new world and reality will be born that is beyond anything we’ve ever seen, lived or even imagined.